Dar es Salam, Tanzania
Development of Ophthalmology training in Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences

Trainers and trainees in the theater

Dr. Anna examining a patient

One of the equipment supplier

Stakeholders meeting
CPD session
PBU in collaboration with Sight Savers International and East Africa Collage
of Ophthalmology (EACO) will support the development of the Ophthalmology department of Muhimbili University of
Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania (MUHAS) as part of its contribution to the development of ophthalmology
education and practice in the African region, a priority objective of PBU. The MUHAS is one of the founding
institutions of the EACO that is still lagging behind in facilities and personal for training, it is in grave
need of upgrade of facilities and learning activities to serve the objectives of the EACO. The support will
include eye care services and training equipments, student scholarships, sub-specialty training and infrastructure
Irbid, Jordan
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Programme
With the support of Standard Charted Bank and partnership of Ministry of
Health Jordan, PBU is organizing a Diabetic retinopathy programme in Northern Jordan. The main purpose of the
programme is to reduce the high prevalence of visual impairment due to Diabetic retinopathy in Northern Jordan.
The five year programme will involve eye health promotion, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services for
diabetic retinopathy patients.